Creating dialogue and collaborative change around mental well-being in the documentary field
DocuMentality’s aim is to create dialogue and collaborative change to the key mental health and well-being challenges currently facing the documentary community: filmmakers, crew and participants.
How are we creating change?
1 | Anecdotal Research
With support from our funders, we’ve conducted 21 focus groups with filmmakers from the US, Canada and the UK to gather stories that explore the individual and systematic the mental health and well-being challenges of doc filmmakers.
2 | Action
Learning a significant amount from the filmmaker perspective, we are now branching out to meet with funders and other industry representatives to understand the role they can play in improving systems that impact the mental health and well-being of filmmakers, crews and participants. Other future action steps under consideration:
An online mental health toolkit
A menu of action items for different segments of the doc community
Peer-to-peer doc filmmaker support training
“Mental Health First Aid” training for doc directors and producers
Fundraising to support the above initiatives
Continued availability for speaking engagements
Brought to you by The D-Word, Film in Mind, and Malikkah Rollins with the support of other partners.
Made with the support of the BFI Doc Society Fund and American Documentary/POV
Partner support provided by Scottish Documentary Institute, Documentary Film Council and DOC